Книга Казок, Заміток і Коментарів

Book "Age and destiny" of Ivan Kozub, Ukrainian Free Cossack, who fought for social justice and democracy in Ukrainian Republic under blue-yellow and red banners in 1917-1923 yy

Kozub Ivan Gnatovych (25.05.1896 - 1985) - Ukrainian free cossack, Ukrainian scientist, social activist and writer, citizen of Russian Empire and Ukrainian Republic in Soviet Union, one of organizers of free cossack detachment in his native village Kapustyntsi in today Kyiv region of Ukraine, author of the book "Age and Destiny"

Ivan Kozub was born 25 May, 1896 in the village Kapustyntsi in the Poltava governorate of Russian Empire in the family of registry cossack of Russian Empire, Gnat Vasily's son Kozub.

In 1917-1923 he took part in the civil war and struggle for social justice and democracy in Ukrainian Republic under the blue-yellow and red banners, was one of organizers of Ukrainian free cossacks detachment in his native village. During this events his father and some of his co-villagers were killed by white detachment under the command of officers of Russian general Denikin, who at this time devastated Ukrainian Republic, trying to revive the Russian Empire.

In 1920-ies he studied economy and other sciences in Kyiv Institute of People Economy.

In 1930-ies he was arrested and became prisoner of GULAG.

Later he returned to Ukraine and lived in Kyiv.

